Sunday, April 25, 2010

Almost complete

The garden is almost complete.  I am so proud of the progress, I just had to share.

Everything is blooming more beautifully today, then when I took these pictures.
We plan on adding a few more flowers, rocks, and a garden fairy.  Can't wait until it's finished.

Caught in the Act

Everyone once in a while, this feeling hits me, and I can't help myself, I am overpowered by the desire to let go...and just dance.

Last time this happened, it happened to this song.

The moment the lyrics, "the last time I freaked out," came on, I had to just freak out.  This song is on my play list thanks to my sister-in-law Emily, who is absolutely adorable, and also nine years old.  She is a big fan of Miley Cyrus.

I grabbed my camera, curious, as to what I looked like, in one of these fits.

When I listen to the song, while looking at the pictures, I can see the frenzy.

When the song ended, I put the camera on my side, and looked at Ella; she just happened to be in her crib during my exhibition.  I couldn't help but laughing at what I saw.  She had pulled herself up and was watching me through the bars.
I was, as the title suggests, caught in the act.  I wonder what she was thinking?  One day, if she is anything like me, she will also have moments of total, dancing abandon.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


How could I not, with this silly little girl as my daughter?  She climbs my face, it makes her giggle, and I can't help laughing myself.  She is just so cute.  What a personality.  If this is not living, I don't know what is.

Show Ella the ocean.

This past Thursday, the family stayed at the beach, where Ella experienced the ocean (which is on my live list), the sand, and her first over-night trip. 

Cosmo joined us and just happened to find a seal carcass to rub all over himself.  That was fun to clean up.

We had him run in and out of the ocean to wash off, then I sanitized him, then Joe gave him a bath.  He stunk, it was glorious.
Ella loves when to chase Cosmo, already.
I found some wild strawberries and thought my spirit fit seamlessly in with them.
We stayed at the cutest little place, The Historic Anchor Inn, in Lincoln City.
We plan on staying there, whenever we go to coast, from now on.
It's owned by a husband and wife, who also run it.  It only has about 10 cabins, making it a quiet and quaint environment. 

In the morning, they serve a free breakfast: not a buffet, but a sit down and you are served.  We were shocked with the quality of the place in comparison with the price.
It's a simple place, filled with antiques, and rustic charm. 
Ella slept the best she has in months: waking up once and sleeping a whole six hours in a row, without waking to be fed.  Joe and I were thrilled to sleep in until 9am. 

Maybe it was her new jammies. 

(She's eating a fortune cookie.)

We went through three one-sies and two pairs of pants in one day.  We went out to eat and she had a massive blowout.  She not only pooped all over herself and through her pants, she pooped all over daddy as well.  So, we had to improvise as we only had one outfit left.  Voila, a small t-shirt. 

I would have to say, that for an unplanned, first overnight trip with a baby, Joe and I did pretty good.  I'm proud of us.  We both needed a night away from home.  But in the end, we were both glad to get home as..."there's no place like home."


Mornings are the hardest part of the day for Joe and I.  Last Friday, I became completely sick of it.  So I woke Joe up, said let's go to Starbuck's, get something quick to eat and take a long walk in the park.  I had to break up the long, lingering process of getting up and around that we had become accustomed to. 

Every day is a learning process.  It seems Joe and I are constantly revising what works for us.  But that's okay; that's what life is about.
Mornings are getting better, I am realizing that it is important to get up, and get moving.
Since summer is almost here, I figure a walk every morning with dear, sweet Ella is the perfect thing.
The sun motivates me into action and after a night with interrupted sleep, motivation is just what I need.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Mirror

They say that children watch their parents, but no one said, that through your child you can watch yourself. Lately it has occurred to me that, when I am irritable so is Ella, that if I'm busy, she must be also, that her inability to relax may directly correlated to my own inability to relax, that when I read a book, she must also read my book, and if I'm cooking, she wants to be right there with me.  It reminds me of how careful I must be.  That I am her example for living.  The other day, after a shower, I was brushing my teeth, so I sat Ella in the sink.  A moment later, two little arms were reaching out for me.  What, I thought, does she want.  So I picked her up and she reached for my toothbrush.  Ahh, I said, mommy's little mirror strikes again.  I put her back, wrapped in her towel in the sink, and gave her daddy's toothbrush.  She sighed a sigh that I interpreted as contentment.  She was content to copy me. 
It was the biggest compliment in the world.  She was content, to copy me
She has turned my world upside down.  In the best of ways, she has filled my world with wonder, as I watch her grow and change. 

Snowflakes that fall on my nose and eyelashes

As I walked out of my laundry room yesterday, it began to sprinkle.  I couldn't help getting caught up in that moment.

The moment where the flowers and trees sing their thank you to the rain.  They unleash some sort of chemical reaction that fills the air with the most refreshing smell: fresh rain.

It would love to be able to describe it, but it is impossible to capture it with words.  One has to experience it.  It does not linger however, it only comes with the first fifteen to thirty minutes of rainfall.  It is as illusive as a wolf, beautiful and enigmatic. So next time, when you hear the pitter-patter of raindrops, run outside, and take a deep breath of magic. 

I know that for myself: that the sun rejuvenates me,

and the fresh rain cleanses my very soul.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday in the park with Grandma.

Better late than never, I guess.  We had a wonderful adventure with my mom last Saturday.  Joe, grandma, Ella, Cosmo and I walked to a nearby park where Ella experienced some of her firsts.

First time down a slide:
(well, maybe third time, but the first time it was caught on camera.)

First time climbing a rock wall:
I know she's looking at the camera thinking, "look what I am doing mom!"  I'm sure I was beaming, " I am so proud of you honey."  What an adventurous spirit, just like her mom.

We all joined in on the rock climbing experience.
My mom, what a cutie.
Joe, showing off his mad skills.
I climbed it also, but really enjoyed the spider web, jungle gym looking thingy.
I hadn't done this in years.  It's nice to know I've still got made jungle gymmin skills.
Cosmo joined us on the excursion but unfortunately spent some of his time like this:
That morning, he thought it was a good idea to eat some of the jewels I was using for my mosaics.  I guess that showed him. 
It was a beautiful sunny day.  I love my mother, I hope that when I am her age, I can join Ella and her family for a day in the park, and still play on the playground, and look good doing it.
It truly is the simple things.