Monday, August 23, 2010

Living...Learn about my daughter

She is self-motivated, eager to learn, and enjoys challenges.
It seems the more she can't do something the harder she tries.
When mastering a skill, it is all she can think about: which is why we had problems with her sleep, she would awake in the night, because she felt she had to master those first year skills.  Now that she's walking, she sleeps through the night. 

She is the most observant little child.  At four months, she noticed when her daddy changed his hair.  At three months, she was paying attention to the food that we ate, she even wanted to try it.

She has the most wonderful sense of humor.  There have been times, when sitting across from me at the dinner table, she has made the funniest facial expressions and noises and the more I laugh the more she performs, she enjoys the sounds of laughter.

She's fearless.

At 10 months old, she loves the water, even went rafting down the willamette river.

She is a true adventurer.

She loves dancing, books, music, and making mischief.

There has been so much that I have learned about my darling little girl.  But what I have noticed most is her intuitive, good-hearted nature.Without prompting, she gives kisses, and lately, when I hold her and pat her back, she pats mine.  It is the sweetest little gesture.  It shows me that already, she is capable of reciprocating comforting, loving actions on her own.  That loving others is something that she desires. 

She is so full of life.  What a lucky mommy I am. 

Having a baby was the best thing I ever did.  Having Ella was best gift the earth has ever given. 

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

what a little doll. love that girl!