Friday, January 29, 2010

Utterly Exhausted

Although I am feeling quite under the weather, I need to get my thoughts down on some sort of page.  I have been thinking a lot lately, about what would make me happier as a adjust to my new life, here are my ideas:

1. A routine
I must put myself on a routine.  Even if I can't get Ella on one, I need one.

2. Exercise
I bought a new exercise dvd and plan on getting fit for summer.

3. Mommy and me classes
I want Ella and I to join a mommy and me class, so we can hang with other mommies and babies, and have some quality time.

4. A yoga class
So I can get in touch with my inner chi.

5.  Volunteering at the Womens Crisis Center
I need to give back and feel like I have an outside sense of purpose.
Also, I have a huge desire to help women overcome terrible feminist roots are calling.

6. Find a creative outlet
 I need to unleash the creativity within.

Starting February, I am going to work on putting these things into practice.
A better Brieanna, is a better mommy, wife, and friend.  Besides, I'm super excited to try new things to enrich my life and lift my spirits.

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