Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mission Mill Museum

It's not on my live list, but perhaps it should have been.  I love history and have been completely inspired by a book I'm reading "The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher:" it is a true story about one of the first widely publicized murder cases in Victorian England.  Anyway, I wanted to seek out a fragment of that era, put myself back in that time, so Joe, Ella, and I went to the historic Mission Mill Museum.  We had a great tour guide named Bill.  Tour Guide Bill of Mission Mill. 
I love the old houses.  I would buy one and live in it forever.  The wood floors creak, the doorways are narrow, but they have such a charming quality (and I happen to love the creaky wood floors.) I love the antique furniture, the formal dining rooms, and the parlors.

It's like straight out of my imagination or perhaps it fuels it.
Every place has so much history, even little old Salem, is rich with a past full of tragedy and triumph.
The mill is a story of both sadness and happiness.  It brought a lot of jobs and helped settle the Salem area but with the creation of synthetic fibers, wool quickly fell out of demand and it had to close down in the 1950's.
The machines are really ornate and incredible.
The whole place smelled like old books, I loved it.
I really liked this little corridor and
I fell in love with the antique organs that adorned the parlors of the parish houses.

I especially loved this one, truly a product of the romantic era.
I wish we were able to touch the furniture but everything was roped off with sensors, but I couldn't help myself.
It was a really fun, educational, and rainy day; but I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.
I love this picture of Ella, she is totally cross-eyed.

Yeah for rainy days and historic places!

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

What a grand day! I love this.